From the start I wanted the cover to be the most attractive and well planned out of the 3 pages as it is the first thing the readers see I feel it makes it extremely important to get right. The masthead along the top 'Stream' it is very clear, underneath the masthead is the issue number and the month. This follows the conventions set by other music magazines, the cover lines telling the readers what content they would expect to find inside the magazine. I highlighted the more poplar features to draw the potential buyers in. Another convention I have used that is used frequently by Mix Mag a competition being advertised on the cover using the words 'WIN' and making it stand out like a sticker on the page. The featured artist within my magazine is the feature image that most people would look at first I therefore put a lot of effort into making it look as professional and powerful. At the bottom of the page is a banner that includes other information that is related to my magazine, Q magazine is a music magazine that is known to incorporate banners in their front covers.
The colour palette keeps consistent with the front cover for continuity reasons which also look more professional. I have also include images of a different artist to get a variety of photos. Similar to magazines such as Q magazine I have included a monthly 'Regular' sections things such as competitions are in this section so this may entice the readers to buy the next issue. In the bottom left corner is a subscription offer this is often included in magazines, the font used for 'Content' is also the same as the front covers masthead. I also included a band index which I was inspired by NME I think this would allow the readers to navigate the magazine much easier, also eliminating the need to skim through the pages to find what artist they would want to read about. All of the articles and features are split into different sections these are 'news of the month, features, reviews and regulars' I felt this would be another unique way that readers would find it simpler to find what they were looking for quicker.
I tried to make this DPS as unique as possible as most DPS are unique in themselves anyway. Certain convention that I followed were having a main image which is positioned on the right page, I tried to make him look prominent and have a theme with the picture. The idea being that Jayke is looking at his music career in the future, I thought this would make the readers think about the meaning of the picture while they were reading the article.I have used column which is a standard convention within a magazine, I have also inserted a quote that should interest the readers and encourage them to read the article. And finally to keep the page looking interesting added a few extra photo of the featured artist
Once again this is much better, your examples and explanations are far more detailed than on previous posts. This is the standard you need to emulate in your other posts. Well done