Thursday, 24 March 2011

Evaluation activity 4

Who would be the audience for your media product?

This person would buy my magazine for several reasons. He has a wide variety of music genres he listens to and buys weekly magazines such as NME and Kerrang. They tend to only focus on more mainstream artists whereas my magazine has a few different less known electronic artists.  Also the layout and design of my magazine is similar to this. He has also named as one of his favourite music artists pendulum, they are a feature in my magazine so that would entice him to give my magazine a try. The age that they are aswell fits with my target audience the planning and research I have done has been specifically to make it as attractive to that age group as possible. Another thing that was highlighted in his profile is that he reads The Sun. The Sun is a tabloid newspaper that is an easier shorted norws paper this tells me that he likes articles that get to the point and are quite interesting to read, and would not want a dull and boring long article to read. So he would read my magazine because it is straight to the point. For the average male clubber they would be interested in the technology side of my magazine this is because they may be curious as to what goes into creating the next electronic mix.

1 comment:

  1. This is better Tom. Try and include some screen grabs of the elements which would appeal to your target audience (clothing, artists, lexis etc). Similarly use the knowledge acquired from your representation of a social group to help add depth to your explanation.
