Monday, 20 December 2010

Magazine Title and Information

I designed a questionare with a variety of questions that are about my magazine so that I can get some feedback on what I have come up with. The questions and answers I thought of were:-
  • What music genre do you prefer? - rock, drum and bass or electronic
  • Which is your favourite colour scheme? - Red, black and white ,  Blue, black and white ,  or Dark blue, grey and white
  • How often would you prefer the magazine to be published? - daily, weekly or monthly
  • What price range would you pay for my magazine? £1.00 - £1.49, £1.50 - £1.99, £2.00 - £2.49 or £2.50 - £2.99
  • Which out of the following titles is your favourite title that you think should be for my magazine? - Buzz magazine, Stream or Synth
The results I got from this questionnare were that out of the people that I asked the preferred genre was drum and bass. I will therefore try to feature this more than the other genres rock and electronic but still use them in my magazine. The most picked colour palette was Dark blue, grey and white which I think would work well with the particular music genres that I chose. They would want to have it published monthly priced around £2.00 to £2.49. And due to the popularity of the title being picked in the questionnaire I have decided that my magazine will be called Stream. I feel this title suits my magazine due to it being easy to pronounce and having only one sylabus it sounds like a magazine title for a real magazine, it also is generic in the fact that it applies to all the genres that the magazine will cover so that is why I have chosen it. 

Q double page spread analysis

Q Magazine Double Page Spread

Sunday, 19 December 2010

Kerrang double page spread analysis

Kerrang Double Page Spread

NME double page spread analysis

NME Double Page Spread Analysis


Target audience and music genre

I have decided that my target audience for my magazine will be aimed towards boys around my age.
So from about 15-21 years of age. The genres that my magazine will cover I thought would be a mixture of Rock, Drum and Bass and Electronic as these are the more popular genres that boys listen to and interest me as well. I've still yet to decide though on what my colour palette would be but now I can aim for a more male colour tone. The sort of artists and bands that would suit my magazine are Pendulum, The prodigy, Daft punk, Paramore and Muse. Some of the artists I have mentioned can be appealing to girls as well but the overall image and the content would make it less appealing for girls.

Audience Profiling

Audience Profiling

Q contents page analysis

Q magazines contents pages is very tradition in the colour pallete scheme it stays the same to how the masthead is. The colour pallete is Red, white and black. At the top right corner of the page is 267 october 2008 this is referencing the issue number and the month for that issue. Down the left hand side is the left-side third this lists all of the articles for that issue. What takes the most room up in the page is the main image of The Courteens in this image they are standing on the hill which could simbolise their immerganse as a new and growing band. The heading features has a white colour font and a red highlighting round it. Q magazine is slightly different to other magazines in how they display the numbering for the articles they put the number before the name of the article instead of after. But this is a different colour to the title which is bold aswell so you read that before the number. Underneath that is features that are in every month which is Q mail, Q50, subscriptions, crossword and ten commandments. Finally is the other common feature Q review, to build up even more hype around the review they claim they are 'the world biggest and best music guide'. Listed in this section are new albums, in the studio, reissues, how to buy, music dvds, music books, digital and lives.

Kerrang contents page analysis

The contents page of Kerrang is organised by displaying the featured articles with a picture above it. The colour pallete is yellow, black and grey this is the same as their front covers to remain consistent. At the top there is a quote from a article this is designed to leave a cliffhanger so that the reader is curious about what is said after ... it also has the page number next to it. The main image of the page is of 'you me at six'  this is the largest picture on the page and is of the first featured articles. On the right hand side it says 'this week' hinting this tells the reader this is a weekly magazine, underneath this is the 9 categories of different articles feedback, news, live reviews, features, k! icons, album reviews, gigs, swag and famous last words, each of these categories fonts are the same colour yellow lettering with a black outline keeping in theme with the colour pallete. In the bottom right corner there is an advertisement to subscribe to kerrang and informs the reader about getting a discount if they order it.

NME contents page analysis

At the top of the page is the NME masthead that is keeping in the theme with the NME branding. It also says 'This Week' to inform the reader that there is a new issue of NME out every week. On the left side of the page there is a band index this could be quite useful for a music magazine due to its content. It will help the reader search for information about artists they want to read about. The information in the contents page is monstly contentual rather than it being pictorial. The main article for this issue is 'Then End Of The Astoria', you can tell this because out of the other articles it is the largest size and in the centre of the page. The same colour pallet is used of the colours red, black and white and is used throughout the whole magazine. Add space at the bottom of the magazine advising the reader to subscribe to NME, it offers a saving to further persuade the reader and says they can do that today. On the right hand side of the contents page there are 5 key headings that say news, radar, reviews, live and features. Under each is articles related to that topic it is layed out so that the page number is on the left side of the article title.

Q front cover analysis

Q Magazine Front Cover

This front cover of Q magazine feature the rock band Muse they are in the centre main image and a large heading of the band Muse is above them, this informs those of the audience who don't haven't heard of them. Camera angle of this picture is at a medium level this against the grey and white back ground. This makes them stand out more this  would therefore look better on the shelf compared to other magazines. The clothes they are wearing are quite dark as well so the background brightens this up. The lead singer is positioned in front of the other band members, this illustrates the same structure to how a band is on stage the lead singer at the front and the other members behind.
The Masthead is the second biggest space on the front page, the prominent Q logo in the top left corner, the colour scheme for the logo is a white Q with a red background. The colour scheme for the logo has remained the same since changing the name of the magazine.
On the left hand side of the magazine cover is the left-side third, the headings font colour is white keeping in theme with the colour pallete and is highlighted with blue. The pallete for the front cover changes from issue to issue and this issue the pallete was blue, grey and white.  In the bottom left corner is the bar code, there is not any information around the bar code to draw attention to it. This make it more discrete and the least important part of the front cover.
Finally the cove lines this listed on the right side of the cover and features the bands that were going to play Glastonbury, the most important cover line is the 50 acts you must see at Glastonbury, they are articles that will feature in the magazine.The number 50 is the largest size to draw the audience to it first. Underneath this there artists listed who are playing Glastonbury, they range from Stevie wonder to Snoop Dogg so has a big range of music genres that would interest the reader. They are in the same font and style as the heading on the left side white front highlighted with blue, this again keeping consistant with the colour pallete.

Kerrang front cover analysis

Kerrang Front Cover
Kerrang's target market is primarily teenagers that listen to the music genres rock, heavy metal and punk. This cove features the rock/metal/punk festival Download, this is shown by the large heading in the left centre of the cover. The colour pallete for this issue is different to the usual scheme of the masthead being black on a white background or vis versa. This is issue the colour pallete is yellow, blue and black. 
 The masthead of the magazine is the same design that is one every issue of kerrang. This would help the potential reader find the magazine much easier. You can also tell that the magazine is quite well established because they do not need to show the whole title, some of it is covered by the main image. The main image is a low angle shot, ozzy osborne is pointing his hand directly centre so it look as though he is pointing at the reader itself this is quite and intimidating photo because of this.
A CD was free with this issue to further increase sales by giving away a freebie. The cover line for this magazine are in the bottom left corner they are mentioning artists that would be playing that years download festival. And in a last attempt to gain interest from readers that do not like the artists that are featured on the front, there is a heading that ssays 'plus tons more' meaning there is a lot more artists in the magazine. 

Wednesday, 15 December 2010

NME Front cover analysis

This a typical front cover for a NME magazine, the colour scheme for the logo is the usual red letters with a white outline it is located in the top left corner. It is near to the top so that the potential buyers will see the name of the magazine so that people who buy NME on regular basis will see it. This is also called the masthead, it is kept the same as the first NME so that is more reconisable by the audience. This would also draw attention away from less important details of the magazin like the barcode.
The first thing that the potential buyers will see though however is the banner across the top of the cover. This is a headline that is intending to grab the persons attention and entice them to buy the magazine. It offers information in to 'how pete's coping' this will hopefully have the effect on the reader that they want to find this out.
Other colours that is used for this front cover is light yellow and is used for the cover lines on the left side of the cover. This makes the writing stand out better against the darker background and clearer to read. Also it is telling the reader what the magazine contains and tries to draw them in but doesnt give away the main points so that they need to read the magazine to find out more details.
The main feature that takes up most of the front cover is the main image this of the band The enemy, the picture was take from a slightly lower angle to make the singer look more authoritve to the reader. It also show him performing and singing the reader can tell this because of the position of his mouth. Also their a beam of light from behind the singer to make him stand more off the page, making the reader feel like they are at one of their concerts.
And finally the bottom banner includes more bands that the reader may find interesting if they may not be interested in the featured artists. It goes over a range of different artists in a last attempt to persuade the potential buyer from 'Scott Walker' to 'The Ting Tings'